Sunday, June 15, 2008

Multiple literacies needed by all learners

Kestrell's Reading in the Dark blog post today includes very interesting discussion on the multiple literacies of blind and visually-impaired reader. I was taken with the emphasis on a wide definition of literacy: literacy of multiple media formats including audiobook, electronic text, and Braille; literacy in multiple reading technologies; proficiency in making decisions about how to prioritize information and organize reading tasks; literacy with multiple sources of books and the technologies and processes involving in using such resources. This all sounds to me like what we should start to focus on in ALL classrooms for ALL students as we embrace literature in print, audio, and electronic text! Take a look at the post yourself. I especially liked the inclusion of this : "Listening literacy. Whether the situation is a classroom lecture, a business meeting, or having material read to one, either through an audiobook or a realtime human reader, active listening is a learned skill. This is the reason why some people become very restive when they are being read aloud to, and why many visually-impaired readers find listening to audio books very difficult at first." Good stuff!

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